Founder of The Modern Career Woman

It’s me—Jackie Segedin, the Editor in Chief of TMCW, here to bring my own questions to the bigger conversation, with the goal of creating inspiration and a community in the process.  I serve as The…

Just Begin…

Originally written November 20, 2019 Just begin, they say.  And so I must and I am. As I sit in my office on a Friday night with tissues in my nose, throat scratchy, and my…

Things I'm LOVING


I never had a consistent skincare routine up until a few months ago right after I turned 34, At the core, I am a naturalist and very much into simplicity; a five step skincare process…

Black Bean Quinoa Salad

I love a good hearty and flavorful cool quinoa salad on hot summer days. This recipe came about this past summer when thinking what we could bring to a BBQ. While there is a lot…

